Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Living life like ......

Hey y'all this one of the mocha cookies. Markell wanted you all to know she is well. Right now she is getting much needed rest and relaxing.  Please respect her privacy. She loves you all and will be writing more about her health journey in the future.

Mocha cookie

Monday, February 9, 2015

This to Shall Pass

#TeamToughCookie it has been a long time since I've provided an update and that's because the last few months have been very difficult for me.  It has taken me a few months to return to myself because I have been in a very dark place.  With the news of a new diagnosis and the lost of some special people, I could not find myself in a place to share with you all what I've been going through.

Last month we found out that the cancer is now in a few of my bones.  They did restage me, however as a believer, I will not accept the new staging as gospel.  The Lord, my God is bigger than any diagnosis.  My trust is in the good Lord for healing and restoration.  I see this place in my life as a journey to healing that the Lord will bring to fruition.

I know many of you will have lots of questions and will be concerned.  Know that I am in good spirit, I'm in a great head space, and physically I have more good days then bad.

Here is where we are physically, my first step is to focus on 2 small spots found on my spine.  Those two spots have the potential to grow and impair my ability to walk.  The only options I had were major surgery or radiation therapy.  As opposed I am to radiation, it was the best option for this situation.  I will have 5 radiation treatments over the next 2 weeks starting today.

As my journey continues, I will get  back to keeping you guys in the loop.  I know that the Lord has a plan for this journey.  I still don't know what it's purpose, but I am grateful that in this place, I have a relationship with Him, which helps me to remember that He is in control and that He can do anything but fail.  I stand on my favorite scripture, "In ALL things work together for the good of those who love the Lord and have been called according to His purpose," (Romans 8:28)

I am going to continue to solicit your love, support, and prayers for me and my family.  I love you guys!!!!
