Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Many Are the Plans

Many of you know that I have spent the last several years of my life ministering to teenage girls.  As a teenager I found myself involved in many organizations.  Without being aware until I was much older, I realized that I always ended up as a mentor to someone.  After starting D.I.V.A.S at my church, St James Missionary Baptist Church, I found myself looking back over my life and reflecting on how I ended up helping girls.  D.I.V.A.S. stands for Developing Into (His) Vision As Sisters, it is a mentoring program for girls.  Then a few years later I started Princess in Training, Inc. (P.I.T) because I wanted to reach girls beyond our church walls.

My friends have always been supportive and have worked hard to give my ministries life.  They've sacrificed their time and invested themselves wholeheartedly in the lives of every girl that participated in D.I.V.A.S or P.I.T.  I am so grateful to them.

What people don't see is the amount of energy and work that goes into keeping these ministries a float.  We are planning and organizing a lot of the year.  The day of events are very stressful as we rise early to ensure that when our girls and parents arrive the event goes smoothly.  A lot of times there are plenty of things that just don't come together smoothly, like speakers not showing up on time or cancelling the day of, which throws the schedule off and we have to adjust quickly.  We have always managed to figure it out and the events are successful.

I have always struggled with taking a break from D.I.V.A.S and PIT.  My body could be worn down and I'll find the energy to keep pressing.  We do it for the girls.  Well in this season, I struggle again with whether or not to take a break.  We have put the girls before ourselves in the past.  We've been planning for PIT camp this year and have most of our schedule and speakers secured, however in my spirit I feel that the Lord is leading me to put myself first this time.

One of my favorite scriptures is Proverbs 19:20, "Many are the plans of a man's heart, but the Lord's purpose shall prevail."  I am reminded that the Lord is in control.  Despite my desire and heart to press, my body is not able.  The Lord says in Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future."

A beautiful woman once told me, "We never know what we're signing up for, when we say yes to God's will and His way."  Had I known that cancer would be in my future again, she's right, I'd have tried to sign up for another path.  However, even in this, I know that God has a plan for me.  This time I get to sit back and take it all in.  I won't be too busy letting life and God's work pass me by because I'm sitting still taking it in.  I'm already in awe and this is just the beginning of this journey.


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MATarver said...

Markell, you are such an inspiration! I know it must be tough stepping aside from PIT and DIVAS during this season given all the work you put into founding those orgs; but I'm sure the girls understand and are rooting for you! ... I hope that if I ever have to experience such a life-changing illness that I can handle it with half the grace, strength, and faith that you have. ~Munirah

A Tough Cookie Chronicles said...

Thank you Munirah!

Carol said...

I love you Markell. You are My SHERO!!!!
ToughCookie & ShugaThug are PRESSING, PUSHING & PRAISNG while encouraging others while on OUR WAY to healing.

Unknown said...

Preach sis!! Love you and how even during this time, u are such an inspiration!

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