Today I got a call from my oncologist's nurse to discuss all the things that need to happen before we begin my chemo treatments. They have finally scheduled my scan, no thanks to the insurance. I am still baffled at how I've being paying for insurance for years and they have the right to deny tests that will help save my life. I think that's truly messed up. While discussing the next steps, she asks if I remembered any of the medicines I took during my Hodgkin's treatments and their doses. There is one medicine, which we know I took that if given in the right dose, lasts a lifetime.
She and I decided that she would call the hospital where I was treated and I would call my mama to see if she had any information. Mama hadn't kept any of the records. I was left thinking where else could I turn. I decided the one person who would have the answer would be my old oncologist. It has been 21 years since I've had any contact with him. I had my last radiation treatment on my 16th birthday. A year later I turned my tassel and I was off to college.
We all know that teenagers and young adults think their invincible. I didn't keep up with any of my followup appointments because I was cured. What was the point! Well fast forward 21 years and maintaining that relationship would have been the key to helping my new oncologist develop a treatment plan for me.
The internet is a girl's best friend. I Googled, clicked, and dialed a few numbers only to get the disconnection message. Just when I was about to give up, my coworker told me to try the American Medical Association. This was my last option. I brought up the website, entered his name, and there he was. I dialed quickly. Someone anwers. I asked, "Dr. Gustafson?" The voice responds, "Yes?" I asked, "Dr. G?" He responds, "Yes." "Did you work at Park Plaza and have a nurse named, Geannie?" He says yes. I had found him.
I went on to explain who I was and how I found him. He was excited to hear that I had been doing well. I couldn't contain myself. The man that had a hand is saving my life was on the other end of the phone and here I was facing treatment, yet again. I cried! These were tears of gratitude. I thanked him for saving my life. When we started treatments the cancer had taken over my neck and surrounded my heart. Thank the Lord for using this man to save my life. I asked about his family and I rushed off the phone. It was nice because before we hung up he said, "Well if you want to talk again, just give me a call."
It won't be another 20 years, I'll definitely be calling back. #anoverjoyedcookie
All I can say is Amen!!! Sit back and watch God work. You are so encouraging and to what deep you'll never know!!!! Hugs Kisses, and Luv..... #atoughcookie
GOD IS GREAT! EXODUS 14:14 Sis We are praying with and for You. You are a living testimony!
So proud of of you.
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